Data Forensics: Mobile & Computer Forensics Services

Need digital forensics evidence for a court or for peace of mind? Examine a computer, mobile phone or website and get the proof you need from an expert.

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  • 40+ years of experience in investigations

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    Computer and Cyber Forensics

    • Spyware and hacking detection

    • Online crime and harassment investigations

    • Hard drive analysis in workplace, domestic and other matters

    • Audio and video analysis

    • Trace online activity to its source with IP identification

    • Dating site scams

    • Mobile phone forensics

    Digital Forensic Services by Lyonswoods

    In today’s digital age, the footprint we leave behind on our devices is immense. Lyonswood’s comprehensive digital forensic services address this very aspect. Our digital forensics expert ensures that every byte of data, every trace of evidence, and every potential lead is explored.

    A Digital Forensic Expert You Can Count On

    Decades of experience combined with a proven track record make Lyonswood your trusted partner. Our approach to investigations means that while our digital forensic investigator is delving into the binary world, our on-ground teams might be involved in surveillance investigations, ensuring a 360-degree perspective.

    What are Digital Forensics?

    Whether you need a computer, mobile phone or online evidence for a court matter or simply for your peace of mind, Lyonswood’s Digital Forensicsinvestigations are carried out by accredited experts and can help you with your data forensics needs today.

    A computer forensic expert is the only person who is truly qualified to examine a hard drive, website, mobile phone or other digital devices and prepare a report on the relevant data in a court-admissible format. Even if your matter is not necessarily headed for court, you may choose to have the evidence gathered by a cyber forensics expert best suited to uncover the truth.

    Why choose Lyonswood Investigations for your Digital Investigation needs?

    Many digital investigations require expertise beyond just that of the computer forensic expert so it is important you engage a broad-based investigation firm such as Lyonswood which can assist with all aspects of your data forensics inquiry. Evidence gathered by Lyonswood in a forensic matter was used for a successful Supreme Court action in 2013 where our client was awarded damages and costs on an indemnity basis. In this matter, surveillance and traditional investigative techniques helped ensure our client was successful. You may not need to go to the Supreme Court to get the outcome required but you should be comforted in the knowledge that our expert’s data forensics evidence is of such a standard that it will bear scrutiny if challenged.

    Vulnerability on the Internet – Computer Forensics

    If you are a victim of some kind of internet computer crime you may need to identify the offender via his or her IP address or email address, and this will require data forensics. You may alternatively need to conduct a due diligence investigation in regards to someone you met online or you or your company may need to track the source of a hacking attack. There are many circumstances in which a digital forensic investigation is a necessary or prudent step. Whatever your concern, at Lyonswood, our computer forensic investigators have experience probing a range of problems that are encountered by individuals and companies online.

    A specialised digital investigation team is what you will usually need to solve an online problem. Lyonswood has provided computer forensic services for over 15 years. We also have a relationship with a commercial law firm with experience in online matters to assist you through the forensic process if a lawyer is needed in your case.

    If your data forensics problem is one that can be addressed through an investigation, we will seek to provide you with an outline of the steps involved in the investigation and an estimate of the costs likely to be incurred. Whether your data forensics problem is a personal one or a serious corporate matter, the team at Lyonswood is ready and able to help. Contact us now to discuss the circumstances surrounding your concern.

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    Here is a list of our most popular Computer Forensics services:

    Computer Forensic Services

    “Traditional” Computer Forensics involves the examination of a hard drive in a manner that ensures evidence is not compromised. The first step in this process is to copy the drive so there can be no argument later on that the examiner disturbed the data on the subject drive in the course of the analysis. After the copying is conducted, digital forensic analysis is carried out on the copied drive. Computer forensics is usually necessary in cases of employee misconduct, domestic disputes, data breaches and cybercrime. Read more here.

    Mobile Phone Investigation

    As the capabilities of smartphones and tablets grow ever more impressive, people use these devices for increasingly important tasks. Mobile devices now store very sensitive data about the user and it is crucial that they are kept safe. Unfortunately, there is now a proliferation of spyware targeting mobile devices. If you require digital forensics relating to the extraction of data on a phone, to prove definitively whether there is spyware operating on the phone or to obtain evidence from the phone in an objective format, ensure you use a computer forensics expert with the latest technology. Read more here.

    Spyware & Hacking Detection

    Unless you have taken effective precautions, your PC, Mac, smartphone, tablet or digital device can today be infected with spyware or malware relatively easily. Unfortunately, the risk of hacking has never been as high as it is now and it is only likely to increase in future. Some spyware issues can be catastrophic and lead to identity fraud, theft of money and significant damage to a person’s reputation or a business’s intellectual property. Data forensics from an experienced forensic investigator is your best defence. Read more here.

    Audio/Video Analysis

    Our expert audio/video forensic technicians have the expertise, equipment and qualifications to assist in the analysis of video and audio files for court or for other purposes. If you wish to determine whether video or audio has been edited or if you want to enhance a recording then a forensic expert is the person best suited to this data forensics work. Read more here.

    IP Identification

    Online defamation, threats, hacking and cyberbullying are commonplace in the digital age and if you wish to put a stop to an online troll, it may be necessary to identify him or her. Lyonswood is an industry leader in network forensics with a successful record at the Supreme Court level. Read more here.

    Online Harassment Investigations

    Harassment, stalking, bullying, blackmail and defamation are all old problems that have taken on a new dimension online. Dealing with these issues may involve taking steps to minimise certain risks and/or identifying the culprit. You may need not just a digital forensics research expert to solve such a problem but also a private investigator and possibly a lawyer. Contact the experts at Lyonswood who can assist with each element of your case.

    Dating Site Scams

    It is not uncommon for criminals to trawl dating sites ready to prey on vulnerable people seeking love. Some victims even end up losing their life savings. Whether you wish to conduct a background check on your potential partner, seek to recover funds lost or check your computer for spyware, an online investigation team proficient with digital forensic research is your best option.

    Lyonswood – Our Other Services

    At Lyonswood we understand that life can sometimes take unexpected turns. Whether you’re dealing with a difficult divorce or a family member who has gone missing, we are here to help. In addition to our data forensics services, we also offer a range of other services designed to meet your unique needs. From asset tracing to handwriting analysis, we have the experience and expertise to help you get the answers you need. Our team is passionate about helping our clients, and we will do everything we can to help you resolve your case. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

    Explore more of our wide range of services like handwriting analysis forensics, ensuring the authenticity of documents, or bug sweeps, making certain that your privacy isn’t invaded. In situations where you might question the background of an individual, our background check services come to the rescue. Contact us today.
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