With almost everyone having a Facebook profile, our lives are becoming more and more an open book…which is not going unnoticed by Australian private eyes. […]
The vast amount of information we share on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tinder is staggering. By simply viewing someone’s profile we can […]
Contrary to popular belief, my profession doesn’t involve double-crossing dames and car chases. Infact, you’ll probably spend more time writing reports and completing paperwork than following […]
There are lots of reasons to consider using data surveillance and spyware. Maybe you suspect a spouse is cheating? Unsure of how an employee uses their […]
Does your partner ever come home late without an excuse? Have they recently put new passwords on mobile devices? Are they overly aggressive/protective about privacy? Then […]
In lamens terms, a computer forensic searches, analyses and preserves information on computers to find evidence in a trial. A recent example would be during the […]
Death threats. Forged signatures. Letters blackmailing recipients. These are just a few types of cases we at Lyonswood deal with in regards to forensic handwriting and […]