
For many years we had been receiving abusive letters through the Australian Post. The Police would say we will investigate this and absolutely nothing would happen. Our brand-new fence was spray painted and totally ruined - easy to see who had done this plus the CT vision of his ute and the tyres – but with all of that the Police still did not lay any charges. A very good friend advised me to get in contact with Lyonswood. Robert advised me instantly that he was happy to take on this case. This move for us to sign on Lyonswood Investigations was the best thing ever. The Staff at Lyonswood were constantly in contact with us. The final report was extremely thorough. Our Lawyer asked that the expert be a witness at the court hearing and that was what we required to confirm that the person writing these letters had been caught up with. We needed to stop these disgusting letters and thanks to the devotion and dedication of the experts with our situation we finally had it solved. We will be forever grateful for Robert for taking our case on and highly recommend them. We went on to win our court case due to their evidence. The Magistrate also awarded that all costs we had paid out to this point we were to be reimbursed.
Lorraine, Tasmania
From: ******@bigpond.net.au Sent: Monday, July 1, 2024 5:13 PM To: Robert Fahim <[email protected]>

Hi Robert, I have read through the report and I am very happy with its findings. Regards Paul Sent from my iPhone
Paul <***@bigpond.com>
From: Paul <***@bigpond.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 5:22 PM To: Robert Fahim <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Investigations for Paul

Hi Thomas, Thank you so much for such an extensive investigation report you guys are amazing Thank you for everything Cheers Nathan
From: nathan <*******@gmail.com>
From: nathan <*******@gmail.com> Date: Friday, 5 July 2024 at 3:37 pm To: Thomas Cullen <[email protected]> Subject: Re: investigation update

Hi Rob, how are you? Sorry for my late response. Thankyou for the letter. I forwarded it onto ***. I really am unsure of his plans for it. Rob, l wanted to thank you for what you did, and also your coworker. You both gave a lot of time to us and worked really hard and gave us a definitive answer. I appreciate it more than you know. I am so happy that this chapter is now closed for ***. You are a very good person and thank you for your absolute honesty, kindness, knowledge and professionalism. I hope you are proud of what you do, as l can only imagine how many people you have helped. Thankyou and kind Regards, Chelsea
From: Chelsea <*********@outlook.com> Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 3:55 PM To: Robert Fahim <[email protected]> Subject: Re: *****

Dear Robert,
I thank you for your excellent work in finding both my sister and brother. We have already been in touch and are united at last. I cannot recommend you enough, being totally professional and meticulous in your research.
Kindest regards,
Joan *******
Joan *******
From: ***** @bigpond.com Sent: Friday, July 7, 2023 8:12 PM To: Robert Fahim <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Inquiry from ********

Hi Lachlan, hope you are keeping well. I just wanted circle back with you and let you know the family was able to establish contact with N***. We are extremely grateful and appreciate your help. Though at times we got into some tense conversations, the fact that your help uncovered the subject's contact information is so much appreciated. Your work was first-class and has brought great joy to the family, Thanks again, Regards
From: D**** <D*****@************.com> Sent: Monday, 7 October 2019 3:42 PM

Good morning Lachlan, Well. I rang my brother last night and spoke to him for the first time in many, many years. This reunion has been a long time coming and I almost couldn't believe it was happening! Thank you Lachlan for your services. Very efficient and professional! You have done me a great service here. Truly. Regards, Carmela
From: Carmela <**************@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, 11 July 2019 9:49 AM To: Lachlan Jarvis <[email protected]> Subject: Re: FW: ********** - My Long Lost brother

Hi Lachlan, Thank you for your quick response. Based on the findings we feel there is no need to pursue this matter any further. Please advise me if there is any charge for your services and I will make the payment arrangements. Again, thank you very much for your assistance, it is greatly appreciated. Regards Steve
From: Steve <*****@bigpond.net.au> Sent: Friday, 14 June 2019 3:22 PM To: Lachlan Jarvis <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Questionable Signatures

Thanks so much for your help with this Lachlan, sorry for the delay, I had meant to respond sooner but have been swept up in kids and Christmas and, well, the Police cases.I will proceed with the legal route as far as I can take it.Again, I cant thank you enough for your help. In a world where its getting hard to see the good in people, you've restored a little faith.I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends and wish you all the very best for the new year. J***
From: J*** <j***@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, 9 January 2019 12:43 PM

Dear Lachlan:Thank you very much. The family member confirmed that the finding is Mr. ******* Thank you again for your hard work and the family are truly appreciated your professionalism.All the best!Regards.
From: hong [mailto:*******.com] Sent: Saturday, 26 November 2016 3:09 PM To: Lachlan Jarvis <[email protected]> Subject: Re: my email address.

Dear Lachlan, Thank you very much for your excellent service. I am very pleased you were able to find him. I immediately remembered his surname when I saw it on your report. That is definitely him. Once again thank you very much. I will contact ******. Peter.
From: Peter <******@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, 21 December 2018 5:47 PM To: Lachlan Jarvis <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Investigation

Thanks Lachlan. The Husband admitted his fraud in court yesterday. A job well done.
David ****, lawyer.
[mailto:****@******.com.au] Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2015 7:53 AM To: Lachlan Jarvis Subject: RE: Affidavit

This is amazing. That you so much. This will significantly assist us in protecting many young people and their families. I and many others are so grateful for your time and generosity.
From: J***** <*******@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, 16 June 2018 7:43 PM

Hi Lachlan. I just wanted to say thank you, the two addresses and the linkedin account you found were all linked to my Dad and he is over the moon to have finally made contact. He's been searching for me as well but had the wrong name. Thanks again! Kind regards
Alana [mailto *****@***.com.au], Sent: Tuesday, 21 November 2017 2:34 PM

Thank you very much Lachlan you’re an absolute gem. We will sit down and discuss our next move and I will let you know. Once again thank you.
From: [l****@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, 2 December 2016 3:41 PM To: Lachlan Jarvis <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Investigation

Dear Lachlan: Thank you very much. The family member confirmed that the finding is Mr. ******* Thank you again for your hard work and the family are truly appreciated your professionalism. All the best! Regards.
From: hong [mailto:*******.com] Sent: Saturday, 26 November 2016 3:09 PM To: Lachlan Jarvis <[email protected]> Subject: Re: my email address.

Good Morning Mr MALLARD, I have forwarded the document to our Crime Coordinator to make determination in regards to whether handwriting analysis is to be done or not. It was pleasure to find out that there is someone who exactly understand what police would need with a high level of experise at the same time. I will contact you as soon as I hear from our Crime Coordinator. Thank you.
From: [mailto: @police.nsw.gov.au] Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2012 10:33 AM To: Warren Mallard Subject: Re: Forensic Document Analysis

Hi Warren Thanks for the information you’ve passed along, your report regarding Nancy XXXXXXXX and invoice (which we will attend to promptly). I’ve passed your business information along to our CEO. I understand your feelings regarding working on a panel for the scheme agents and my first impression is that because we’re not one of them, you could be a great fit with us. Particularly following your very first job with us and the results gained! We’ll keep in touch. Thanks again and kind regards,
From: Nicole XXXXXXXX [mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com.au] Sent: Friday, 19 October 2012 10:18 AM To: Warren Mallard Subject: RE: Nancy XXXXXXX

Well, I’m very impressed with you & your service. I am retired pretty much now. I don’t ‘need’ a job but your business appeals to me. If you need help, I do have a degree  B.Sc Hons (Maths/Chemistry) + Dip Ed degree, taught Maths for 10 yrs F/T, started my own business, 25 yrs go, franchised it & sold it off (as a quick summary….) I’m very good on the phone, as my whole business was ‘sales’. And I hate people(or animals) being hurt or ripped off.
From: Courtney XXXXXXXXXX [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, 25 October 2012 5:54 PM To: Warren Mallard Subject: From C:

Dear Warren, Your further report and invoice now received. Our client will decline the claim so for the time being we need nothing further from you. I am drafting the dispute notice on the weekend and will ensure your fees are paid promptly. Thank you very much for the great work. Best regards
Kathy | Partner | Hickson
From: Kathy Xxxxxxxxx [mailto:Kathy.xxxxxxxxxx. com.au] Sent: Friday, 19 October 2012 3:30 PM To: Warren Mallard Subject: RE:Â Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Warren, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help, support and understanding. Your kind words were most appreciated. After all this my husband STILL tells me they are only friends, even showed me the plane tickets, that clearly showed that from Singapore both of them went to different places. But…. it is just too late for that, I am tired of being sad and depressed all the time, and need a new fresh start 🙂 Gutted now, will get better soon:) Thank you for everything. Wishing you and your family all the very best. Kindest Regards,
From: Tasha L [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, 1 February 2013 1:02 PM To: Warren Mallard Subject: Re: from Nat

Dear Warren, I want to thank you for your professional help. Three of the four charges against me were dismissed yesterday and the Complainants were called liars by the Magistrate. Although your analysis of the video was useful to me personally I was unable to get it in front of the Magistrate. In the end it wasn’t necessary. The Magistrate was scathing of the complaint and the police investigation (or lack off). Obviously the Magistrate’s comments will give you comfort in stepping up to testify to audio edits. Let me know what you think – and once again thank you for your work,
From: Chris XXXXXXX [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, 2 February 2013 10:23 AM To: Warren Mallard Subject: Chris Court Case

Hi Lachlan,
Thank you so much for the work you did in relation to finding ****.
I have managed to contact him through the **** club and we are now emailing each other.
I have paid your account today, we have been away for the past week.Again thank you so much.
From: Pam [mailto:*****] Sent: Monday, 2 September 2013 11:54 AM To: Lachlan Jarvis Subject: Re: FW: Message site Investigators

Lachlan, Yes, I’d like to visit Australia one day and experience the climate, desert, outback, and the east and south coast cities. I understand that ***** has a character all of it’s own. Here’s a quote: “I engaged Lyonswood to track down several long-lost Australian relatives. It was a complex brief and I didn’t have a lot of information to go on at first. I found Lyonswood to be very discreet and sensitive, tactful and patient, thorough and professional in their enquiries, always keeping me up to date with progress, and thinking outside the box to try different angles whenever we got stuck and coming up with results each time. I initially chose the company because of it’s reputation for integrity and for championing high standards with the Private Investigators industry, and I’m very glad that I did. My life has been transformed by their ability to reconnect me with the other half of my birth family. The day when they tracked down an internet photo (that I would never have otherwise located) that showed my half-sister looked just like myself, was an emotional one for me. Here’s to the Lyonswood guys and gals. Thanks so much.”
From: ***** **** [mailto:********.uk] Sent: Thursday, 14 November 2013 9:03 AM To: Lachlan Jarvis Subject: Quote

Hello, Thank you very much for the report it is exactly what I need. Am I able to send the report to my lawyer to see if we can use it for our next court hearing? Thank you
From: D******[mailto:d*****com] Sent: Wednesday, 29 January 2014 6:58 PM To: Lyonswood Subject: RE: REPORT & INVOICE

Hi Lachlan, thank you very much for finding out the information of his address. Unfortunately **** has left **** and when she gets over the hurt of his rejection she intends to go back and front him, so the information you found will be very helpful and we will let you know how it goes. She may not get back till next year. Thank you once again Lachlan, you’ve been a big help. Regards.
From: K ****[mailto:*****@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, 23 April 2014 3:02 PM To: Lachlan Jarvis Subject: Re: Investigation: Locate

Hi Lachlan, Thank you for your work last year, the photos your investigator took were used in evidence and made for creating a very clear picture for the magistrate. This, along with other evidence saw the case being completely dismissed. Kind Regards
Michael *****
From: Michael *** [mailto: ****@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, 20 July 2014 9:24 AM To: Lachlan Jarvis Subject: Re: FW: FW: Message site Investigators

Hi Lachlan, When I first rang your firm I felt very nervous. Your office lady made me feel at ease – helpful, polite, very well mannered. I spoke to you about my problem in detail, you explained what can done and what was needed from me. E -mailed it off, within 3 days an E-mail arrived, containing everything needed and in such detail. FANTASTIC. Again in Jan this year I contacted you again on something urgent with time frame 48 hrs related to my previous matter. Before I knew it I received 5 pages of information that far exceeded anything I thought possible. Plus in that time frame in such detail and so accurate. I was totally amazed. It allowed me to go and see the person in ****** and discuss problems over lunch. Thanks to all your efforts and your staff. So please accept my deepest thanks for all your efforts on my behalf in these matter . Yours sincerely
Peter *****
From: Peter ******* [mailto:p*******@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, 11 March 2015 2:36 PM To: Lachlan Jarvis Subject: RE: *******

Hi Lachlan I’ve now had a good look at the attachment & you did a very thorough search & used all the information I gave you & I thank you for that. You did a very good job & all the information has helped in showing that he doesn’t go by the name ****** & helpful in other ways. Thank you for your very thorough search. Have a great Friday & Weekend. Kind Regards
From: mark@******* Sent: Thursday, 26 March 2015 9:58 PM To: Lachlan Jarvis Subject: RE: Investigation

Thank you Lachlan. It was a pretty tough night didn’t sleep a wink. I must mention to you that Robert was fantastic, he can’t be faulted, he was very thorough in keeping me up to date, and very compassionate and understanding of what was happening during this very difficult time for me. He comes highly recommended. Regards.
From: Tanya [mailto:t****@******.com.au] Sent: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 4:41 PM To: Lachlan Jarvis Subject: Investigation Enquiry

Thanks Lachlan. The Husband admitted his fraud in court yesterday. A job well done.
David *****
From: David **** [mailto:****@******.com.au] Sent: Thursday, 30 July 2015 7:53 AM To: Lachlan Jarvis Subject: RE: Affidavit

Mr. Jarvis Thanks a million!! Yes, It’s him. You did it again. 10/10 is the score of your professional service. Kind regards
From: Lily ***** [mailto:***********@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, 30 September 2015 8:15 AM To: Lachlan Jarvis Subject: Investigation Enquiry

To everyone who was involved in my case, I would like to express my deepest thank you and appreciation for you quick, efficient and discreet work. Hopefully, I won’t need to, but if I did, I would use your company again without hesitation and I will recommend you if anyone asks. Once again, thank you Kind regards
From: N******** [mailto:********@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2016 9:32 AM To: Adam Virzi Subject: RE: ********

Morning Lachlan, just wanted to follow up to say thank you for your services. The outcome you provided me was exceptional and this has been the smartest investment I have ever made. If you have a spare moment to chat today I would like to fill you in on where the case landed and seek your advice on next steps for me to finalise. Looking forward to your reply.
From: Liam ********[mailto: ***.com] Sent: Monday, 2 May 2016 8:52 AM To: Lachlan Jarvis <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Lyonswood investigations | response and brief (highly confidential)